The Sun today printed a story on Cameron's response to being called a toff. In the last few paragraphs of said story Graeme Wilson wrote of David's Wife's outfit "Mrs Cameron showed she can shop on a less-than-toff budget, sporting £65 shoes from Zara".
This sort of story doesn't interest me in the slightest, and I would far rather read the sort of stories in the latter sections of the Sun about frogs eating fairy lights. However, the Daily Mail today also deemed Sam Cameron's shoes as newsworthy, but claimed that the shoes cost only £35. I'm sure I'm being pedantic but someone has made a serious mistake here. The reputation of these papers really will suffer if this sort of sloppy mistake is repeated.
The shoes she wore at the Tory Party Conference were grey court shoes of £65. The ones shown in the picture you can apparently by for £35 both were purchased from Zara.